Watch This Baby Barn Owl Hear Thunder For The First Time


The world is a fascinating place — but it can sometimes be a little scary, too.

Just ask this baby barn owl.


Following their relocation into a nesting box where he had concealed a camera, the owlet and her family were being watched by UK-based artist Robert E. Fuller. From there, Fuller witnessed each of the newborn owl’s “firsts” up close, including one that was obviously extremely frightful to the small bird.

The young owl experienced hearing thunder for the first time during a storm in the summer while by himself at the nest.

Here is a video of that scene:

Don’t you want to give her a big hug?

According to Fuller, The Dodo, “It was astonishing to see how nervous the chick was.” The barn owl’s hearing is so much more keen than ours that it would be exceptionally loud for the chick.

Thunder is something that almost every animal has had to encounter and learn to conquer, as frightening as it may first seem. Fortunately, this small owl wasn’t an outlier. After enduring that terrifying night, she set out on her own to confront the wide world and everything that comes with it.

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