Despite The Fact That They Only Have Two Eyes Between Them Rescued Twin Pups Have The Finest Existence Possible


Because their mother contracted a bacterial infection during pregnancy, the two twin puppies named Roxy and Toulouse were born without their left eye. This imperfection classified the two Westies puppies as impossible to sell, so their only destination seemed to be euthanasia.

Luckily, Fanny Sannier, a 19-year-old girl living in Belgium, found out about the story of the two little dogs and wanted to help them. So the young woman decided to adopt the two puppies to save them, as an early Christmas gift, in 2019.

For Fanny it was a normal decision since she could not accept the fact that two animals lost their lives because they were different.

Rescued twin puppies enjoy their lives


According to METRO, Fanny stated:

“We were all sad when we discovered out they may be euthanized.”


Furthermore, they were two gorgeous pups who didn’t comprehend why they should be euthanized when they knew they had a bright future ahead of them and a life to live.

– Ad – It appears that individuals are uninterested in purchasing or adopting a new puppy since they do not want to spend money on these creatures. Despite the fact that having a “imperfect” puppy involves exorbitant medical bills and procedures, many individuals are prepared to go to any length for them.

They didn’t know much about the bacterial illness that caused them both to lose their eyes, but they paid £ 427 for her operation, according to the young woman.


Veterinarians removed their damaged nostrils during the surgical procedure performed when they were only two months old and now look like two normal dogs. The two little brothers are now having a good time, running in the rain, throwing plush toys and playing with the foster brothers.

Fanny had this to say:

“I am just happy to have adopted them. They are very lively and I hope they stay with me as long as possible.

Because they are two balls full of unconditional love, their family often wonders what would have happened if they had not been saved.


Despite the fact that the pups behave like two regular dogs, the young woman claims that many are still astonished when they discover her touching story. Especially since they are two small dogs who run around in the garden, swim in a pond, and live as if they have no physical constraints.

Fanny continued:

“People are constantly startled that they were killed since they can see how full of life both dogs are,” says the veterinarian.

Many people assume he would have saved them as well, but the fact is that Fanny and her family are delighted to have them.


Fanny continued:

“They bring joy to our house since my entire family adores them.”

Above all, Roxy and Tolouse will be able to live the lives they deserve for the remainder of their lives.

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